The core idea of our approach is picking out the effective comment sentences before feature and sentiment extraction based on neural network training. Three ...
In addition, OPINE reports an 8% improvement in accuracy on the task of determining whether an opinion sentence is positive or negative. OPINE also seeks to ...
Oct 22, 2024 · This paper discovers rules for enhancing the recall values of sentences containing opinions from customer review documents. It does so by mining ...
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Sentiment analysis, or opinion mining, is the field of study that analyses people's opinions, moods and evaluations using written text on Web platforms. In ...
We experimentally compared five feature-level opinion mining algorithms. CRFs-based method was proven with higher accuracy from different measures.
Opinion mining and sentiment analysis are key areas of NLP. Broadly, sentiment analysis enables computers to understand the emotional and sentimental content ...
Jul 18, 2011 · This line of work performs sentence-level sentiment analysis, without focusing on the determination of representative features of the review.
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A key problem of sentiment analysis is to determine the polarity of a review is positive (thumbs up) or negative (thumbs down). Unlike topic-based text ...
In this paper, the design of a unified opinion mining and sentiment analysis framework is proposed that facilitates subjectivity/objectivity analysis, feature ...
Aug 9, 2023 · This research proposed a model for aspect recognition in opinion mining. Based on the results, the proposed model is more effective than other previously ...