The editor's note in a press release is where you provide additional context, clarification, or supplementary information to help journalists fully understand the context of a press release.
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Editor's Note used in articles and after letters to the editor to give further explanations; put the words Editor's Note: (with a colon) in italics.
Editor's Note. from jenwagner.co
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Editor's Note is a stunningly crisp upper and lowercase typeface that looks incredible in both large settings as a display text (think big headers, pretty quotes, calls to action, etc.).
Editor's Note. from www.buttermag.io
Mar 1, 2023 · The editor's note is a chance for editor's to share their thoughts on the publication or life in general. It's a lovely notion.
Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Editor's note. STET (4) Jump to Definition » 4 letter answer(s) to editor's note STET
Editor's Note. from jenwagner.co
In stock
Editor's Note is a stunningly crisp upper and lowercase typeface that looks incredible in large settings as a display text (think big headers, pretty quotes, calls to action, etc.).
Editor's Note. from www.openpr.com
An Editor's Note is common feature of a press release. It is placed at the bottom of the press release and contains background information about the person ...
The purpose of these notes is to provide the reader with useful caveats related to the particular sections they might be reading.
Editor's Note. from theadroitjournal.org
The work in Issue 40 seems to echo these sentiments, whether directly or indirectly. There is revulsion, anguish, impatience: “Death is a god/damned thief,” ...