May 13, 2013 · The extensions in this OpenMP accelerator model build on existing OpenMP concepts and constructs to provide a unified model for GPUs and CPUs.
In this paper, we examine the newly released accelerator directives and create an initial reference implementation, referred to as HOMP (Heterogeneous OpenMP).
This model relies on compiler analysis and transformations to generate code that can execute on accelerators for specified source code regions, as well as ...
purpose programming model. — OpenMP accelerator model: OpenMP directives + accelerator directives. • Build on top of existing OpenMP implementation in ROSE.
May 9, 2013 · Research Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States). Sponsoring Organization: USDOE.
The OpenMP Language Committee has approved a set of extensions to OpenMP (referred to as the OpenMP accelerator model), which combine general-purpose ...
Work done in collaboration with SPEC/HPG group. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak.
TL;DR: The OpenMP Language Committee has approved a set of extensions to OpenMP (referred to as the OpenMP accelerator model), which combine general-purpose ...
Nov 21, 2015 · This document summarizes early experiences with implementing support for accelerators in OpenMP 4.0. It describes implementing a prototype ...
The accelerator model in both OpenACC and OpenMP assumes host-directed execution with an attached accelerator device such as a GPU or a Xeon Phi (the ...