Editorial Manager (EM) is a highly-configurable workflow management system built to streamline editorial processes, communications, and management of files.
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Submissions to most of our journals will be handled via our online submission system Editorial Manager (EM).
A&WMA's monthly magazine for environmental managers, explores a range of issues affecting the industry with timely, provocative articles and regular columns.
Editorial Manager® (EM) is a cloud-based manuscript submission and peer review tracking system for scholarly journals, reference works and other ...
EM is a long-established and best-in-class editorial submission and manuscript processing system, providing a strong performing and robust system for ...
Aug 12, 2021 · This manual explains how to submit an article using Editorial Manager (EM), our online submission system. It provides step-by-step instructions ...
Jul 21, 2020 · Editorial Manager is the world's leading cloud-based manuscript submission and peer review tracking system, trusted by thousands of publications.
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Editorial Manager (EM) is an online submission and review system for Journal Editors and Authors. A short guide to EM for Editors can be found here: Short Guide ...
It typically comprises the team of guest editors, an introduction of 2-3 paragraphs, a list of 5-10 key topics and the due date for papers. The editorial office ...