Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS), which adjusts the clock speed and supply voltage dynamically, is an effective technique in reducing the energy consumption of ...
The proposed heuristic estimates the slack times using the short term work-demand analysis. The DVS algorithm based on the proposed heuristic is also presented.
ABSTRACT. Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS), which adjusts the clock speed and supply voltage dynamically, is an effective technique in re-.
Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS), which adjusts the clock speed and supply voltage dynamically, is an effective technique in reducing the energy consumption of ...
The proposed heuristic estimates the slack times using the short term work-demand analysis. The DVS algorithm,based on-the proposed heuristic is also presented.
ABSTRACT. Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS), which adjusts the clock speed and supply voltage dynamically, is an effective technique in re-.
The proposed heuristic estimates the slack times using the short term work-demand analysis. The DVS algorithm,based on-the proposed heuristic is also presented.
Abstract—Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) is an effective technique for reducing energy consumption in real-time embedded systems. On- line DVS can exploit the ...
Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS), which adjusts the clock speed and supply voltage dynamically, is an effective technique in reducing the energy consumption of ...
Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) is a key technique for embedded real-time systems to reduce energy consumption by lowering the supply voltage and operating ...
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