In this work, the authors investigate the spectrum allocation problem under a more practical scenario, taking the heterogeneous characteristics of both ...
Apr 27, 2018 · In this paper, the authors investigate the spectrum allocation problem under a more practical scenario where the heterogeneous characteristics ...
Thus, how to handle the spectrum allocation problem in heterogeneous cognitive radio networks in the presence of interference and spectrum temporal variation ...
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The authors investigate the spectrum allocation problem under a more practical scenario, taking the heterogeneous characteristics of both secondary S-D and ...
Dynamic spectrum allocation is important both for centralized broadband access networks and decentralized cognitive radio systems. Efficient networks often are ...
This paper introduces the Hybrid Architecture of Dynamic Spectrum. Allocation in the hierarchical network combining centralized and distributed architecture to ...
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is regarded as an emerging technology to solve the spectrum scarcity problem created by static ...
Each network acts as either an offerer or a requester, and coexists with other networks via a non-cooperative game and a truthful multi-winner auction. The ...
Dynamic Spectrum Allocation refers to the efficient management of radio spectrum in mobile communication networks, where unused spectrum is dynamically ...
To address the dynamic spectrum and heterogeneity in cognitive radios, the research proposed a genetic algorithm-based fuzzy logic decision system for handling ...