The paper strongly argues for knowledge modelling to be domain-driven, ie driven by the nature of the domain being modelled.
The key argument in this paper is that ignoring the nature or characterization of the domain inevitably results in knowledge imposition rather than knowledge ...
The paper strongly argues for knowledge modelling to be domain-driven, i.e. driven by the nature of the domain being modelled, rather than being shoe-horned ...
A free platform for explaining your research in plain language, and managing how you communicate around it – so you can understand how best to increase its ...
Domain-driven knowledge modelling for knowledge acquisition ; Hyacinth S. · Nwana ; Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon ; Ray C. · Paton ; Michael J. R. Shave ...
A theoretical framework which is an extension of some of the current thinking about knowledge modelling, with hopefully some clarifications, ...
A primitives-based generic approach to knowledge acquisition. 1994-9-1. Details · Domain-driven knowledge modelling for knowledge acquisition. 1994-9-1. Details ...
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Bibliographic details on Domain-Driven Knowledge Modelling: Mediating and Intermediate Representations for Knowledge Acquisition.
Domain-driven knowledge modelling: mediating & intermediate representations for knowledge acquisition.
In this paper, we address this question and propose a domain-oriented data-driven knowledge acquisition model. A data-driven data mining algorithms are also ...