Jun 2, 2009 · A fully distributed (D-) RLS algorithm is developed for use by wireless sensor networks (WSNs) whereby sensors exchange messages with one-hop neighbors.
Numerical simulations demonstrate that D-RLS can outperform existing approaches in terms of estimation performance and noise resilience, while it has the ...
PDF | Recursive least-squares (RLS) schemes are of paramount importance for reducing complexity and memory requirements in estimating stationary signals.
Abstract—Recursive least-squares (RLS) schemes are of paramount importance for online estimation and tracking of signals, especially when the state and/or ...
A distributed RLS-like algorithm is developed that can operate in ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that are challenged by communication noise and do ...
Sep 20, 2011 · The recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm has well-documented merits for reducing complexity and storage requirements, when it comes to ...
This distributed adaptive scheme can be applied in general WSNs that are challenged by communication noise and do not necessarily possess a Hamiltonian cycle.
Abstract—This work proposes distributed recursive least squares (RLS) strategies for adaptive reconstruction and learning of signals defined over graphs.
Abstract—This work develops robust diffusion recursive least squares algorithms to mitigate the performance degradation often experienced in networks of ...
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Recursive least-squares (RLS) schemes are of paramount importance for reducing complexity and memory requirements in estimating stationary signals as well ...