Frequent items detection is one of the valuable techniques in many applications, such as network monitor, network intrusion detection, worm virus detection, ...
A new definition of frequent items on uncertain data is defined and a polynomial algorithm is proposed, which can efficiently answer the queries in central ...
Abstract. Frequent items detection is one of the valuable techniques in many applications, such as network monitor, network intrusion detection, worm virus.
Frequent items detection is one of the valuable techniques in many applications, such as network monitor, network intrusion detection, worm virus detection, ...
Frequent items detection is one of the valuable techniques in many applications, such as network monitor, network intrusion detection, worm virus detection, ...
Bibliographic details on Distributed Frequent Items Detection on Uncertain Data.
Therefore, we propose a distributed frequent itemset mining algorithm for uncertain data: Dfimud. Firstly, Dfimud calculates the maximum probability weight ...
It finds frequent itemsets that satisfy succinct constraints from distributed uncertain data. •. It also handles non-succinct (e.g., inductive succinct, anti- ...
Missing: Detection | Show results with:Detection
The definition of expected support-based frequent itemset uses the expectation to measure the uncertainty, which is a simply extension of the definition of the ...
ABSTRACT. In recent years, due to the wide applications of uncertain data mining frequent item sets over uncertain databases has attracted much attention.