The proposed method allows to find the closest point between a general polygonal shape obstacle (a robot) and some complex general shapes objects (the obstacles) ...
We present in this paper a method for distance computing in an encoded environment. The proposed method allows to find the closest point between a general ...
The proposed method allows to find the closest point between a general polygonal shape obstacle (a robot) and some complex general shapes objects (the ...
Olivier Habert, Hervé Bullier, Alain Pruski: Distance computing between general shape preprocessed obstacles and general segments-based robot.
Bug algorithms are a popular type of robot navigation algorithms that provide a trajectory following an obstacle boundary in navigation scenarios with unknown ...
Oct 22, 2024 · In the latter, the human-robot minimum distance is a main input for collision avoidance/detection algorithms to measure collision imminence.
In this paper, we propose a motion planner (ReUse-based. PRM or simply RU-PRM) that constructs local roadmaps around geometric models and stores the local ...
A distance d in C is defined by d(q, q') = maxxEA || x(q) − x(q') || where ||x - y|| denotes the Euclidean distance between points x and y in the workspace. • ...
Habert, O., Bullier, H., and Pruski, A.: Distance Computing between General Shape Preprocessed Obstacles and General Segments-Based Robot, in: IEEE/RSJ ...
According to the available information from the environment, robotic path planning can be divided into three general categories of path planning in a known ...