Discovery of non–taxonomic relations is understood as the least tackled problem therein. We propose a technique for extraction of lexical entries that may give ...
Discovery of non–taxonomic relations is understood as the least tackled problem therein. We propose a technique for extraction of lexical entries that may give ...
Discovery of non–taxonomic relations is understood as the least tackled problem therein. We propose a technique for extraction of lexical entries that may give ...
Our experiment suggests that ontology learning from text may be used not only for discovering ('anonymous') relations between pairs of concepts, but also for.
A Study on Automated Relation Labelling in Ontology Learning · Supporting the discovery and labeling of non-taxonomic relationships in ontology learning.
... The discovery of non-taxonomic relations is considered as the least tackled problem within ontology learning [Kavalec et al., 2004] . It appears to be the ...
Discovery of non–taxonomic relations is understood as the least tackled problem therein. We propose a technique for extraction of lexical entries that may give ...
In this paper we propose a technique for the discovery of non-taxonomic relationships and the extraction of lexical items acting as connectors between the ...
Discovery of Lexical Entries for Non-taxonomic Relations in Ontology Learning ; Sprache, Englisch ; Identifikator, ISBN: 978-3-540-20779-5. ISSN: 0302-9743
Martin Kavalec, Alexander Maedche, Vojtech Svátek: Discovery of Lexical Entries for Non-taxonomic Relations in Ontology Learning. SOFSEM 2004: 249-256.