In this paper, we have introduced a directional texture-transfer algorithm. We extract an interpolated image gradient from a target image. We also define I- ...
Texture transfer re-renders a target image with high-frequency information (texture) taken from parts of a reference image that is matched locally to the ...
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What is texture transfer?
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Texture transfer re-renders a target image with high-frequency information (texture) taken from parts of a reference image that is matched locally to the ...
In this paper, we add a directional factor based on the flow of the target image, creating a stroke-like effect that follows edges more accurately. In addition, ...
In this paper, we add a directional factor based on the flow of the target image, creating a stroke-like effect that follows edges more accurately. In addition, ...
In this paper, we propose a novel texture transfer algorithm to express the directional effect based on the flow of the target image. For this, we use a ...
"Directional Texture Transfer with Edge Enhancement" [1] describes how high-frequency textures such as brush-work, may be learned and re-applied to stylize ...
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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Hochang Lee" Find Author on Google . Article Directional Texture Transfer With Edge Enhancement · Hochang Lee, Sanghyun Seo, ...
Subsequently, in [7] , the directional texture transfer is realized by additionally informing the texture transfer with edge orientation information.