The common approach is to estimate the gradient field of the surface by minimizing a functional, integrating the distance from the camera and thereby obtaining ...
We propose an alternative method that consists of a novel differential approach for multi-image Photometric Stereo and permits a direct solution of a novel PDE ...
The common approach is to estimate the gradient field of the surface by minimizing a functional, integrating the distance from the camera and thereby obtaining ...
Fold the normal (N) and the reflectance (𝝆(x,y)) into one vector g, and the scaling constant and source vector into another Vj. • Out of shadow: • In shadow: I ...
We propose an alternative method that consists of a novel differential approach for multi-image Photometric Stereo and permits a direct solution of a novel PDE ...
Here, we present a new model for a direct recovery of the surface considering Perspective Photo- metric Stereo with n images (PPSn) with shadows. In Section ...
We present an algorithm for performing Lambertian pho- tometric stereo in the presence of shadows. The algorithm has three novel features.
Shape from photometric stereo avoids the under-determined problem by using three input images; however, the shape can only be recovered in the areas that ...
Few methods like Shape From Shading fail to recover shape in shadow regions. The shape in those regions can be recovered using this method. This refers to using.
Abstract Photometric Stereo is a powerful image based 3d reconstruction technique that has recently been used to obtain very high quality reconstructions.