In this paper, we present initial results towards boosting these approaches by improving posterior estimates, using acoustic context (e.g., as available in the ...
In this paper, we present initial results towards boosting these approaches by improving posterior estimat es, using acoustic context (e.g., as available in the ...
Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) combines auditory and visual speech cues to enhance the accuracy and robustness of speech recognition systems. Recent ...
The use of local phoneme posterior probabilities has been increasingly explored for improving speech recognition systems. Hybrid hidden Markov model ...
In this thesis, we present a principled framework for enhancing the estimation of local posteriors, by integrating phonetic and lexical knowledge, as well as ...
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In this paper, we present initial investigations towards boosting pos- terior probability based speech recognition systems by estimating more informative ...
Developing continuous speech recognition systems is, therefore, the most difficult task. This is due to the following properties of continuous speech: word ...
In this paper, we present initial results towards boosting posterior based speech recognition systems by estimating more informative posteriors using ...
We describe a new framework for distilling information from word lat- tices to improve the accuracy of speech recognition and obtain a more perspicuous ...
Aug 14, 2023 · In the speech technology community, many studies have been published which focus on the automatic processing of speech with a motor speech ...