In this paper, a hybrid evolutionary algorithm (HEA) based on the approaches of the evolutionary algorithm and a local search (LS) is proposed to determine ...
In this paper, a hybrid evolutionary algorithm HEA which integrates the features of evolutionary algorithm and LS is proposed to avoid local minima traps and to ...
Determination of chemo-responses for osteosarcoma using a hybrid evolutionary algorithm. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2010: 1-5. [+] ...
Bibliographic details on Determination of chemo-responses for osteosarcoma using a hybrid evolutionary algorithm.
This will allow for the determination of the likelihood of tumor tissue chemoresistance (Fig. 1-IV). The simulated results can support both sarcoma pathologists ...
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Jul 10, 2019 · To predict the chemotherapy response, several features were chosen using the principal component analysis (PCA) feature selection method.
Determination of chemo-responses for osteosarcoma using a hybrid evolutionary algorithm. Chan, Kit Yan; Zhu, H.; Lau, C.; Dillon, Tharam S.; Ling, S. (2010).
Determination of chemo-responses for osteosarcoma using a hybrid evolutionary algorithm · Chan, KY; Zhu, H; Lau, C; Dillon, TS; Ling, SH. 2021-11-23, Immuno ...
Nov 23, 2022 · Potential therapeutic targets are identified for each subtype, including platinum-based chemotherapy, immune checkpoint inhibitors, anti-VEGFR, ...