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In this paper, we consider the design of a fully distributed algorithm for the detection of breakpoints on global generalized conjunctive predicates (GCP) in ...
This paper considers in this paper the design of fully distributed algorithms for the detection of breakpoints in message-passing programs, and provides ...
Detection of Generalized Conjunctive Predicates for Debugging Parallel Distributed Programs Constantino Goncธalves Ribeiro Departamento de Ci^encia da ...
Detection of Generalized Conjunctive Predicates for ... - dblp › conf › appinf › RibeiroDW03
Bibliographic details on Detection of Generalized Conjunctive Predicates for Debugging Parallel Distributed Programs.
Detecting Conjunctive Channel Predicates in a Distributed. Programming ... This paper discusses e cient detection of global predicates in a distributed program.
Detection of these predicates is useful for distributed debugging, monitoring distributed systems for faults, and other areas of distributed computing.
Given a conjunctive predicate φ over a distributed execution, this paper gives an algorithm to detect all interval sets, each interval set containing one ...
In this paper we examine a further subclass of global predicates allowing effi- cient predicate detection and program halting. We consider MIMD programs running.
The detection of a predicate in a computation is performed by checking if the predicate could become true in any reachable global state of the computation. In ...
This paper considers a class of predicates called conjunctive form predicates (CFP) that is quite useful in distributed program development, but can be tested ...