Abstract: A new parallel gripping mechanism is proposed in this work. This device has a parallelogramic platform which can be flexibly folded.
Design of a Parallel-Type Gripper Powered by Pneumatic Actuators. B.-J. Yi', H.Y. Ra', J.H. Lee', Y.S. Hong', J.S. Park*, S.-R. Oh3, I.H. Suh', W.K. Kim4.
A new parallel gripping mechanism is proposed which has a parallelogramic platform which can be flexibly folded and not only can be used to grasp an object ...
A 2 jaw, parallel gripper is a type of pneumatic actuator gripping solution that includes tooling jaws or fingers that grasp an object.
Design of a parallel-type gripper powered by pneumatic actuators. from www.agi-automation.com
This design guild is made to help you narrow down your selection and increase the reliability, productivity of the assembly machine system or robotic cell.
A new parallel-type gripper mechanism is proposed in this work. This device has a parallelogramic platform that can be flexibly folded.
Design of a parallel-type gripper powered by pneumatic actuators. from www.destaco.com
A pneumatic gripper is a type of pneumatic actuator gripping solution that includes tooling jaws or fingers that grasp an object.
A parallel jaw perform, a manual control to steer the gripper must be possible for enabling the highest flexibility. •. The principles which are followed in ...
The drive of the robot maintains the function to change the supplied power to the grippers into usable kinetic energy for moving the robot and its positioning.
A new parallel-type gripper mechanism is proposed in this work. This device has a parallelogramic platform that can be flexibly folded.
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