Turbo code is one of the forward error correction method, which is able to achieve the channel capacity, with nearer Shannon limit, encoding and decoding of ...
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SECURE AND ENCODED DATA. TRANSMISSION USING TURBO CODES. Shivleela Biradar. Student of. Dayananda Sagar College of. Engineering ...
Turbo code is one of the forward error correction method, which is able to achieve the channel capacity, with nearer Shannon limit, encoding and decoding of ...
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Turbo codes design are based on concatenated coding, randomness, and iterative decoding[1]. The turbo encoder consists of two recursive systematic convolutional ...
These features of turbo code can help to develop a joint encryption/encoding scheme (“one step” approach) with good performance (security and error correction ...
This thesis is concerned with two such source coding problems: the Slepian-Wolf problem and the Wyner-Ziv problem. This thesis also investigates the related ...
Missing: Implementation Secure
In [29] and [30], a secure encoder is designed based on turbo codes and secret pruning, respectively. Following the pioneering work of Arikan [31], polar codes ...
Turbo coding is an iterative soft-decoding algorithm that combines two or more convolu- tional codes and an inter leaver to produce a block code that can ...
Missing: Secure | Show results with:Secure
Turbo code increases the effectiveness of data transfer in digital communication systems. The theoretical examination of polynomial selection, weight ...
Turbo codes are a class of high-performance forward error correction codes that approach the Shannon limit for reliable communication over noisy channels ...
Missing: Implementation | Show results with:Implementation