Mar 7, 2013 · Abstract: The methodology from this paper exploits fine and coarse-grained parallelism for the automated design of digital architectures for ...
For this reason, new methods to design custom hardware circuits that exploit the intrinsic parallelism of multimedia algorithms are needed. As a consequence, in ...
Abstract— Traditionally, parallel implementations of multime- dia algorithms are carried out manually, since the automation.
For this reason, new methods to design custom hardware circuits that exploit the intrinsic parallelism of multimedia algorithms are needed. As a consequence, in ...
The methodology from this paper exploits fine and coarse-grained parallelism for the automated design of digital architectures for multimedia applications.
Design Methods for Parallel. Hardware Implementation of. Multimedia Iterative Algorithms. Vincenzo Rana. Politecnico di Milano and E´cole Polytechnique Fédérale.
First, we discuss the performance of these parallel algorithms, focusing on the execution time, efficiency, speedup and scalability. Then we compare their ...
Bibliographic details on Design Methods for Parallel Hardware Implementation of Multimedia Iterative Algorithms.
Design Methods for Parallel Hardware Implementation of Multimedia Iterative Algorithms. V. Rana, A. Nacci, I. Beretta, M. Santambrogio, D. Atienza, ...
Design methods for parallel hardware implementation of multimedia iterative algorithms. V Rana, I Beretta, D Atienza, AA Nacci, MD Santambrogio, D Sciuto.