We describe a technique for power reduction in sequential circuits. Existing signals in the circuit are used to selectively disable some of the registers so ...
We present an algorithm for determining the desensitizing signal for each register. A signi cant amount of power reduction is achieved in a number of benchmark ...
An algorithm for determining the desensitizing signal for each register in a sequential circuit is presented and a significant amount of power reduction is ...
L. Benini, P. Siegel, and G. DeMicheli. Automatic synthesis of gated clocks for power reduction in sequential circuits. IEEE Design and Test of Computers, pages ...
In this paper, we describe a technique for power reduction in sequential circuits. Existing signals in the circuit are used to selectively disable some of ...
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This paper presents a method to reduce power dissipation during test for sequential circuits. The goal is to obtain test vectors for sequential circuits that ...
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Oct 22, 2024 · Rewiring is utilized to reduce the total transitions within the combinational parts of the sequential circuit. Retiming is used to change the ...
To attain a better leakage power and improved peak power values, here a modified Subclock (MSCPG) method of power gating is proposed. The proposed method has ...
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In this paper we address the problem of reducing the power dissipated by synchronous sequential circuits. We target the reduction of the average switching ...
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