In this paper we present a system that performs de- pendency parsing and semantic role labeling jointly, which we submitted to the CoNLL Shared Task 2009. [8].
We present a comparison between two systems for establishing syntactic and semantic dependencies: one that performs dependency parsing and semantic role ...
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A comparison between two systems for establishing syntactic and semantic dependencies shows that in the learning phase a joint approach produces ...
We present a comparison between two systems for establishing syntactic and semantic dependencies: one that performs dependency parsing and semantic role ...
We present a comparison between two systems for establishing syntactic and semantic dependencies: one that performs dependency parsing and semantic role ...
Semantic role labeling (SRL) is a fundamental yet challenging task in the NLP community, involving predicate and argument identification, as well as semantic ...
Aug 6, 2021 · Roser Morante, Vincent Van Asch, Antal van den Bosch: Dependency Parsing and Semantic Role Labeling as a Single Task. RANLP 2009: 275-280.
(b) Training: convert the predicate-argument structure to a dependency tree with (dotted) latent annotations. They1 want2 to3 do4 more5 .6. PRD.
Dec 8, 2022 · It is used for dependency parsing, constituency parsing, semantic role labeling, coreference resolution, question answering, etc.
In this paper, we propose to regard flat argument spans as latent subtrees, accordingly reducing SRL to a tree parsing task.
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