In this paper, we present a novel compiler-level defense against ROP attacks. We observe that stack pivoting -- a key step in executing ROP attacks -- often ...
Dec 11, 2015 · In this paper, we present a novel compiler-level defense against ROP attacks. We observe that stack pivoting – a key step in executing ROP ...
This paper presents a novel compiler-level defense against ROP attacks by asserting the sanity of stack pointer at predetermined execution points in order ...
In this paper, we present a novel compiler-level defense against ROP attacks. We observe that stack pivoting - A key step in executing ROP attacks - often moves ...
In this paper, we present a novel compiler-level defense against ROP attacks. We observe that stack pivoting -- a key step in executing ROP attacks -- often ...
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Bibliographic details on Defeating ROP Through Denial of Stack Pivot.
Defeating ROP Through Denial of Stack Pivot. Code reuse, specifically return-oriented programming (ROP) is a popular and prevalent infiltration technique.
There is analysis of a ROP exploit which uses stack pivots, but is careful to avoid stack pivot detection (neat!). This is for an analyst to manually analyze a ...
Defeating ROP Through Denial of Stack Pivot ... Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) is a popular and prevalent infiltration technique. While current solutions based ...