Abstract. We investigate the value of 3-D visualization to data mining techniques for identifying tornadogenesis precursors.
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We investigate the value of 3-D visualization to data mining techniques for identifying tornadogenesis precursors in supercell thunderstorm simulations.
Greg Foss, Amy McGovern, Corey K. Potvin, Greg Abram, Anne Bowen, Neena Hulkoti, Arnav Kaul: Data Mining Tornadogenesis Precursors. EGPGV@EuroVis 2016: 99.
Oct 6, 2016 · How XSEDE's ECSS program is helping researchers understand tornados with scientific visualization and data mining. by University of Texas at ...
We investigate the value of 3-D visualization to data mining techniques for identifying tornadogenesis precursors in supercell thunderstorm simulations.
• Machine learning & data mining can find paeerns in large data sets. • Goal: iden5fy precursors of tornadoes in high-‐resolu5on simula5ons of supercells and ...
The overall goal of each of these projects is to identify key parameters for tornadogenesis by applying data mining techniques to a full set of meteorological ...
Oct 7, 2016 · Specifically, she is trying to identify precursors ... The early research generated by the NSF Career Grant resulted in developing data mining ...
Stage 2: Surface-level vertical vorticity. While mesocyclonic vertical vorticity aloft (Stage 1) is an important precursor to tornadogenesis, there also needs ...
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We investigate the value of 3-D visualization to data mining techniques for identifying tornadogenesis precursors in supercell thunderstorm simulations. We've ...