Data Integration Using Lazy Types. Conference paper. pp 42–50; Cite this conference paper. Download book PDF.
Data Integration Using Lazy Types. November 2006. DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-77368-9_5. Conference: ICHIT. Authors: Fernando Berzal at University of Granada.
Lot lotObject = (Lot) LazyFactory. Create(typeof(Lot));. Once the lazy-object factory creates a lazy object, setting object properties will make strategies ...
Nov 9, 2006 · Data integration using lazy types · Contents. ICHIT'06: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Advances in hybrid information ...
People also ask
Lazy Evaluation is a programming concept where the evaluation of expressions is delayed until their results are actually needed.
Bibliographic details on Data Integration Using Lazy Types.
In computational sciences the theoretical frameworks for data integration have been classified into two major categories namely “eager” and “lazy” [29, 30].
Nov 22, 2011 · Mediation, Virtual Integration, Data Integration, Lazy Integration ... - May need to integrate multiple data types – text sensor data, numerical ...
Mar 13, 2017 · In .NET, there is the Lazy<T> type which for example is useful for implementing lazy loading and caching. I'm unaware of an equivalent solution for TypeScript.
Jan 7, 2014 · Generally, optimizations in the evaluator try to be lazy whenever they can when evaluating functions. This allows the application to process data only when ...