We introduce a large-scale dataset to enable versatile applications for RGB, RGB-D and light field saliency detection, containing 102 classes and 4204 samples.
Dec 30, 2020 · A large-scale dataset to enable versatile applications for RGB, RGB-D and light field saliency detection, containing 102 classes and 4204 ...
Dec 30, 2020 · The Focal stream is designed to achieve higher performance on desktop computers and transfer focusness knowledge to the RGB stream, relying on ...
DUT-LFSaliency, Arxiv, DUT-LFSaliency: Versatile Dataset and Light Field-to-RGB Saliency Detection, Paper/Project. 9, 2021, OBGNet, ACM MM, Occlusion-aware Bi ...
... DUT-LFSaliency: Versatile Dataset and Light Field-to-RGB Saliency Detection | Light field data exhibit favorable characteristics conducive to saliency detection
DUT-LFSaliency: Versatile dataset and light field-to-RGB saliency detection. Y Piao, Z Rong, S Xu, M Zhang, H Lu. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.15124, 2020. 28 ...
In this work, we propose a novel depth-induced multi-scale recurrent attention network for saliency detection. Ranked #22 on RGB-D Salient Object Detection on ...
Our saliency detector takes 0.4 s to process a light field of size in a CPU and is significantly faster than state-of-the-art light field saliency detectors.
DUT-LFSaliency: Versatile Dataset and Light Field-to-RGB Saliency Detection. CoRR abs/2012.15124 (2020). [+][–]. 2010 – 2019. FAQ. see FAQ. What is the meaning ...
In this repository, we mainly focus on deep learning based saliency methods (2D RGB, 3D RGB-D/T, Video SOD and 4D Light Field) and provide a summary (Code ...