In this paper, we intend to customize a quality model (ISO 0126) to identify acceptance criteria and evaluate a particular application domain; B2B application.
In this paper, a quality model is presented for evaluation of B2B applications. First, the most well-known quality models are studied, and reasons for using ISO ...
In this paper, we intend to customize a quality model (ISO. 0126) to identify acceptance criteria and evaluate a particular application domain; B2B application.
This research aims to identify the criteria and to make quality model for system software, and extracts criteria fitting on system software from DeLone ...
In this paper, a quality model is presented for evaluation of B2B applications. First, the most well-known quality models are studied, and reasons for using ISO ...
Jul 26, 2013 · The document summarizes a research paper that customizes the ISO 9126 quality model for evaluating B2B applications.
The customization is done by extracting the quality factors from web applications and B2B e-commerce applications, weighting these factors from the viewpoints ...
Customizing ISO 9126 quality model for evaluation of B2B applications. B Behkamal, M Kahani, MK Akbari. Information and software technology 51 (3), 599-609 ...
Based on the test results, the system meets ISO 9126 standards with a total score of 91.9% with a functionality aspect of 95.3%, reliability of 83.7%, usability ...