In this work, we direct our efforts towards individual post rumour detection: we investigate how features describing influence potential, personal interest and ...
In this work, we direct our efforts towards individual post rumour detection: we investigate how features describing influence potential, personal interest and ...
In this work, we direct our efforts towards individual post rumour detection: we investigate how features describing influence potential, personal interest and ...
May 27, 2019 · In Sicilia et al. (2018b) we focused on the problem of cross-topic rumour detection, presenting another health-related dataset collected from ...
The rumour detection issue is addressed presenting a novel feature selection approach, which characterizes the feature space aiming at minimizing samples in ...
This work investigates how features describing influence potential, personal interest and network characteristic perform on two different datasets of posts ...
Cross-topic Rumour Detection in the Health Domain. Sicilia R;Merone M;Valenti R;Cordelli E;D'Antoni F;De Ruvo V;Dragone PB;Esposito S;Soda P. 2019-01-01 ...
The most common health topics in the reviewed papers were about pandemics (58%). The most recent studies have focused on detecting Covid-19 misinformation, ...
Twitter rumour detection in the health domain · AIforCOVID: Predicting the clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 applying AI to chest-X-rays. · A radiomic ...
They study the rumour detection in the health domain, in particular, the case of Zika virus. In this work, they take the context into account by collecting data ...