Specifically, we present a new synchronization algorithm and a way to implement the algorithm via PSK encoding/DPSK decoding, and we examine and comment on the ...
The Thue-Morse sequence (TMS) has been proposed as a vehicle for comma-free synchronization of binary counters [ 1 1. This paper reports further work on the ...
In mathematics, the Thue–Morse sequence, or Prouhet–Thue–Morse sequence, is the binary sequence (an infinite sequence of 0s and 1s) obtained by starting ...
Lawrence (1981), Counter Synchronization Using the Thue-Morse Sequence and PSK, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-29, No. 1, pp. 79–80, January ...
This work used the binary thue-morse sequence as a stimulating sequence and compared the results with those of the standard alternating sequence.
Hershey J.E. and Lawrence W.F. Counter synchronization using the Thue-Morse sequence and PSK IEEE Trans. COM-29 1 79-80 1981. Google Scholar. 4. Yarlagadda R ...
Dec 9, 2022 · In this video, we introduce the Prouhet-Thue-Morse sequence, which is a binary sequence. We discuss three methods to construct the sequence ...
Missing: Counter Synchronization PSK.
Counter synchronization using the Thue-Morse sequence and psk. IEEE ... Autocorrelation properties of the Thue-Morse sequence and their use in synchronization.
... Counter synchronization using the Thue-. Morse sequence and PSK, IEEE Trans. Commun. COM-29, No.1, January. Seitz, N. B. (1980), Interim Federal Standard ...
[22] R. Yarlagadda and J. Hershey. Counter synchronization using the thue-morse sequence and psk. IEEE Transac- tions on Communications, 32:947–977, 1984.