A bond length alternation with an overall reduction in the length of the nanotube causes an enhancement of λ, whereas an alternation scheme leading to an ...
It has been found that the bond alternation can strongly modify the thermal conductivity in the armchair nanotubes. ...
Nov 17, 2010 · In this theoretical study, we analyze the correlation between bond alternation and thermal conductivity in CNTs, a topic that has not been ...
Abstract: The thermal conductivity (k) of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with chirality indices (5,0), (10,0), (5,5), and. (10,10) has been studied by reverse ...
Correlation between thermal conductivity and bond length alternation in carbon nanotubes: A combined reverse nonequilibrium molecular dynamics-Crystal ...
Apr 25, 2024 · ... conductivity and bond length alternation in carbon nanotubes: A combined reverse nonequilibrium molecular dynamics - Crystal orbital analysis.
Apr 25, 2024 · ... conductivity and bond length alternation in carbon nanotubes: A combined reverse nonequilibrium molecular dynamics - Crystal orbital analysis.
Mar 5, 2020 · We find that most EMD and NEMD simulations on CNTs consistently display diffusive thermal conduction for length (L) > 200 nm.
Missing: bond alternation reverse Crystal orbital
Correlation between thermal conductivity and bond length alternation in carbon nanotubes: A combined reverse nonequilibrium molecular dynamics - Crystal orbital analysis. from www.researchgate.net
The thermal conductivity of single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes has been investigated as a function of the tube length L, temperature and chiral ...
... of ... conductivity and bondlength alternation in carbon nanotubes: A combined reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics – crystal orbital analysis] submitted.