Our method, which we refer to as CopyCatch, detects lockstep Page Like patterns on Facebook by ana- lyzing only the social graph between users and Pages and the ...
Our method, which we refer to as CopyCatch, detects lockstep Page Like patterns on Facebook by analyzing only the social graph between users and Pages.
Our method, which we refer to as CopyCatch, detects lockstep Page Like patterns on Facebook by analyzing only the social graph between users and Pages.
Our method, which we refer to as CopyCatch, detects lockstep Page Like patterns on Facebook by ana- lyzing only the social graph between users and Pages and the ...
The method, which is referred to as CopyCatch, detects lockstep Page Like patterns on Facebook by analyzing only the social graph between users and Pages ...
Our method, which we refer to as CopyCatch, detects lockstep Page Like patterns on Facebook by analyzing only the social graph between users and Pages and the ...
Two algorithms to find such suspicious lockstep behavior: one provably-convergent iterative algorithm, one approximate, scalable MapReduce implementation.
Our method, which we refer to as CopyCatch, detects lockstep Page Like patterns on Facebook by analyzing only the social graph between users and Pages and the ...
Copy-Catch: stopping group attacks by spotting lockstep behavior in social networks. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web ...
Lockstep Behavior: Facebook Likes. 9. Beutel et al. CopyCatch: Stopping Group Attacks by Spotting Lockstep Behavior in. Social Neworks. WWW, 2013. Page 10 ...