Nov 8, 2015 · By introducing matching theory, Liu gave the condition for structural controllability of complex networks. Thereafter, Nepusz and Vicsek [13] ...
Motivated by the idea of granular computing (GrC), we take a fine graining preprocessing to the whole complex networks and obtain several different granules.
This work shows that the controllability of complex networks is highly associated with the networks' degree distribution as well as the networks' modularity, ...
Missing: Granular Perspective.
Controllability in Directed Complex Networks: Granular Computing Perspective. Y. Yang, G. Xie, und Z. Chen. RSFDGrC, Volume 9437 von Lecture Notes in ...
The primary goal of this paper is to develop knowledge approximations and representations on binary relation from the view of granular computing (GrC). In rough ...
May 12, 2011 · Here we develop analytical tools to study the controllability of an arbitrary complex directed network, identifying the set of driver nodes with ...
Missing: Granular Computing
Nov 20, 2015 · Controllability in Directed Complex Networks: Granular Computing Perspective. Yunyun Yang, Gang Xie, Zehua Chen. Pages 161-169. Download ...
Granular computing emphasizes solving a complex problem at multiple levels of granularity or abstraction, which can simplify the problem solving. Based on ...
Granular computing can be defined as an emerging research field that simulates human cognition to solve complex problems by analyzing and summarizing ...
Controllability in Directed Complex Networks: Granular Computing Perspective. Controlling complex networks to a desired state has been a widespread sense in ...