Contrastive summarization is the problem of jointly generating summaries for two entities in order to highlight their differences. In this paper we present an ...
Contrastive summarization: An experiment with consumer reviews. Kevin Lerman. Ryan McDonald. North American Association for Computational Linguistics (2009).
This paper presents an investigation into contrastive summarization through an implementation and evaluation of a contrastive opinion summarizer in the ...
Contrastive summarization is the problem of jointly generating summaries for two entities in order to highlight their differences.
Contrastive summarization is the problem of jointly generating summaries for two entities in order to highlight their differences.
This paper describes a contrastive summarization experiment where the goal is to generate contrasting opinion summaries of two products based on consumer ...
This repository contains algorithms used to perform contrastive opinion summarization, which is a task that aims to build summaries that help find differences ...
[opinion mining] Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining) refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis and computational linguistics ...
May 13, 2024 · Contrastive sum- marization: An experiment with consumer reviews. In Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference ...
Aug 9, 2023 · Our research aims to provide a systematic literature review on contrastive or comparative summarization, highlighting the different methods, data sets, metrics ...