We propose a contour based feature descriptor for object classification. This method uses polygonal approximation algorithm to simplify contours and use ...
Abstract. We propose a contour based feature descriptor for object classifica- tion. This method uses polygonal approximation algorithm to simplify contours.
ABSTRACT. The recognition of objects that appear in a video sequence is an essential aspect of any video content analysis system.
An improved method is used for object detection and segmentation in real-world multiple-object scenes. It has two stages. In the first stage this method ...
The classification is performed by matching curvature features of the contours of these object views to a database containing preprocessed views of prototypical ...
We present a non-parametric representation of contours, curvature, and junctions which enables their accurate localization. We combine contour and appearance ...
Jun 6, 2008 · This paper proposes a new automatic visual recognition system based only on local contour features, capable of localizing objects in space and scale.
Contour-based object detection can be formulated as a matching problem between model contour parts and image edge fragments. We propose a novel solution by ...
Missing: Classification | Show results with:Classification
In this paper we study the method and efficacy of using OC information for visual category classification, which is among the most important vision tasks [17].
Contour-based representations have a long history in object recognition and computer vision. Considerable effort was spent in the past matching geometric ...