Sep 8, 2018 · We train stack RNN models on a number of tasks, including string reversal, context-free language modelling, and cumulative XOR evaluation.
We train stack RNN models on a number of tasks, including string reversal, context-free language modelling, and cumulative XOR evaluation.
It is shown that stack-augmented RNNs can discover intuitive stack-based strategies for solving tasks, and more complex networks often find approximate ...
This paper analyzes the behavior of stack-augmented recurrent neural network (RNN) models. Due to the architectural similarity between stack RNNs and ...
Yiding Hao, William Merrill, Dana Angluin, Robert Frank, Noah Amsel, Andrew Benz, Simon Mendelsohn: Context-Free Transductions with Neural Stacks.
This paper analyzes the behavior of stack-augmented recurrent neural network (RNN) models. Due to the architectural similarity between stack RNNs and ...
Figure 1: The Neural Stack architecture. Figure 5: Diagrams of network computation on the Reversal task with linear and LSTM controllers. In each diagram, the ...
Context-Free Transductions with Neural Stacks. Yiding Hao | William Merrill | Dana Angluin | Robert Frank | Noah Amsel | Andrew Benz | Simon Mendelsohn ...
This repository includes a PyTorch implementation of the paper Memory-Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks Can Learn Generalized Dyck Languages.
[language modelling] A statistical language model is a probability distribution over sequences of words. Given such a sequence, say of length m, ...