The effectiveness of standard Grid middleware has been evaluated through the work of “gridifying” a legacy program. As a case study, we have gridified a ...
Design, implementation and performance evaluation of GridRPC programming middleware for a large-scale computational grid · Yoshio TanakaH. TakemiyaH. NakadaS.
1. Initialization part The program reads initial spectral data generated from the observational data, and sets simulation parameters such as a simulation period ...
Constructing Grid Applications Using Standard Grid Middleware. Journal of Grid Computing. Hiroshi Takemiya; ,; Kazuyuki Shudo; ,; Yoshio Tanaka; ,; Satoshi ...
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The effectiveness of standard Grid middleware has been evaluated through the work of gridifying a legacy program. As a case study, we have gridified a typical ...
Oct 31, 2006 · To build and test an application, users explicitly define the workflow of build-and-test tasks, and specify the target platforms on which the ...
Grid middleware such as the Globus toolkit and grid standards such as the open grid services architecture (OGSA) are intended to be expressive enough for ...
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Constructing Grid Applications Using Standard Grid Middleware. H. Takemiya; K. Shudo; S. Sekiguchi. EditorialNotes Pages: 117 - 131. Towards Efficient Execution ...
Feb 18, 2024 · First, you need to identify the resources that you want to include in the grid and install the middleware on them. The middleware should support ...
Jan 30, 2023 · Security: Middleware can be used to provide security services for grid applications, including authentication, authorization, and encryption.
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