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Abstract-Congestion games model the allocation of re- sources by selfish players. For example, players aim at allocating shortest paths in a network.
This thesis studies pure Nash equilibria in atomic congestion games with increasing and decreasing resource cost functions. In the first part, ...
Jun 26, 2009 · Congestion games model the allocation of resources by selfish players. For example, players aim at allocating shortest paths in a network.
Congestion games model the allocation of resources by selfish players. For example, players aim at allocating shortest paths in a network.
Abstract. We study the ability of decentralized, local dynamics in non-cooperative games to rapidly reach an approximate Nash equilibrium.
Abstract. We investigate issues of complexity related to congestion games. In particular, we provide a full classification of complexity results for the ...
Congestion games are a widely studied class of non-cooperative games. In fact, besides being able to model many practical settings, they constitute a ...
We show that when the players are free to use any subset of resources the game always converges to a pure Nash equilibrium in polynomial time via lazy best ...
How many steps are needed to reach a Nash equilibrium? What is the complexity of computing Nash equilibria in congestion games? Berthold Vöcking. Congestion ...
Congestion games (CG) are a class of games in game theory. They represent situations which commonly occur in roads, communication networks, oligopoly markets ...
People also ask
What is the congestion game?
Do all finite games have Nash equilibrium?