We propose ConArg, a tool based on Constraint Programming, to model and solve various problems related to the Argumentation research field.
Abstract—We propose ConArg, a tool based on Constraint. Programming, to model and solve various problems related to the Argumentation research field.
We propose ConArg, a tool based on Constraint Programming, to model and solve various problems related to the Argumentation research field.
ConArg, a tool based on Constraint Programming, is proposed to model and solve various problems related to the Argumentation research field and is able to ...
Nov 4, 2014 · We propose ConArg, a tool based on Constraint Programming, to model and solve various problems related to the Argumentation research field.
This page is a summary of: ConArg: A Constraint-Based Computational Framework for Argumentation Systems , November 2011, Institute of Electrical & Electronics ...
ConArg [3,4]4 is a tool based on Constraint Programming that is able to model and solve different problems related to (Abstract) Argumentation Frameworks.
ConArg is a Constraint Programming-based tool that can be used to model and solve different problems related to Abstract Argumentation Frameworks (AFs).
ConArg is a Constraint Programming (CP) solver dedicated to the solution of problems related to extension-based semantics in Abstract Argumentation. It exploits ...
ConArg is able to randomly generate networks with small-world properties in order to find Dung's extensions on such interaction graphs and can use the tool ...