We define the robustness of a sequential plan as the probabil- ity that it will execute successfully despite uncertainty in the execution environment.
Feb 1, 2023 · We define the robustness of a sequential plan as the probability that it will execute successfully despite uncertainty in the execution ...
Computing Robust Plans in Continuous DomainsChristian FritzandSheila McIlraithDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of TorontoToronto, Ontario. Canada.
A forward search based planner that generates maximally robust plans, exploiting the revealed structure for speed-up and can realize exponential savings in ...
We define the robustness of a sequential plan as the probability that it will execute successfully despite uncertainty in the execution environment.
Bibliographic details on Computing Robust Plans in Continuous Domains.
Computing Robust Plans in Continuous Domains. Fritz, C. & McIlraith, S. A. In Gerevini, A., Howe, A. E., Cesta, A., & Refanidis, I., editors, Proceedings of ...
In the “extended” AUV domain, AUVs can cross ship corridors only if they are deep in the water in order not to compromise plan robustness. In the Service Robot.
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Real-world planning problems often feature multiple sources of uncer- tainty, including randomness in outcomes, the presence of adversarial agents, and lack of ...
We propose a new 'Mark-Ant-Walk' algorithm for robust and efficient covering of continuous domains by ant-like robots with very lim- ited capabilities. The ...