Computational modelling of micromorphic continua - theory numerics and visualisation challenges. In Visualization of Large and Unstructed Data Sets (pp. Vol. S- ...
Computational Modelling of Micromorphic Continua – Theory, Numerics, and Visualisation Challenges. In: Hagen, H. ; Kerren, A. ; Dannemann, P. (Ed ...
Computational Modelling of Micromorphic Continua - Theory, Numerics, and Visualisation Challenges ... Computational Material Forces in Micromorphic Continua.
Computational Modelling of Micromorphic Continua - Theory, Numerics, and Visualisation Challenges. VLUDS 2006: 155-164. [+][–]. Coauthor network. maximize. Note ...
Computational Modelling of Micromorphic Continua - Theory, Numerics, and Visualisation Challenges. VLUDS 2006: 155-164. no documents available. no references ...
We determine the material parameters in the relaxed micromorphic generalized continuum model for a given periodic microstructure in this work.
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Computational Modelling of Micromorphic Continua – Theory, Numerics, and ... Elasto-Plastodynamics – Challenges in Modeling & Visualization .
The primary research goal of this graduate program is the enhancement of scientific and information visualization techniques applied to large and unstructured ...
In this paper, a numerical approach for determining the micromorphic constitutive relations, previously applied only for a homogeneous medium, is detailed
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Oct 22, 2020 · The proposed numerical methodology is validated after performing a detailed parametric study of the complete micromorphic model in order to ...
Missing: Visualisation Challenges.