There is much prior work on thread and data placement to curb remote access. However, the number of possible placements is large, and heuristic-based techniques ...
This paper presents a compositional model to analyze the effect of thread and data placement choices. The model includes an analysis for cache coherence and ( ...
Based on this model, this paper further introduces a prototype tool called Tapas to optimize parallel programs for non-uniform memory access (NUMA) platforms.
A compositional model to analyze the effect of thread and data placement choices is presented and a prototype tool called Tapas is introduced to optimize ...
Luo et al. [14] proposed a compositional model to analyze the effect of selecting the best core and memory allocation in NUMA architecture. Wei et al. [ ...
Compositional model of coherence and NUMA effects for optimizing thread and data placement. H Luo, J Brock, P Li, C Ding, C Ye. 2016 IEEE International ...
Compositional model of coherence and NUMA effects for optimizing thread and data placement. H Luo, J Brock, P Li, C Ding, C Ye. 2016 IEEE International ...
Compositional model of coherence and NUMA effects for optimizing thread and data placement. ISPASS 2016: 151-152. [c5]. view. electronic edition via DOI ...
Compositional model of coherence and NUMA effects for optimizing thread and data placement · Conference Paper. April 2016. ·. 18 Reads. ·. 12 Citations. Hao Luo.
Nov 3, 2024 · In: (2016). [15] Hao Luo et al. “Compositional model of coherence and NUMA effects for optimizing thread and data placement”.