Dec 5, 2021 · In this paper we propose a competitive influence maximization method considering inactive nodes and community homophily.
So most researches only consider those active nodes in terms of influence propagation. But in fact inactive nodes do have effects on the information propagation ...
Competitive influence maximization considering inactive nodes and community homophily · List of references · Publications that cite this publication.
Yang, “Competitive influence maximization considering inactive nodes and community homophily,”. Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 233, p. 107497, 2021.
Competitive influence maximization considering inactive nodes and community homophily · Balanced Influence Maximization in the Presence of Homophily.
[146] studied the competitive influence maximization considering inactive nodes and community homophily, and proposed a competitive influence maximization ...
May 11, 2024 · This work proposes an objective function that maximizes the number of communities by utilizing bridge nodes.
... competitive influence maximization method considering inactive nodes and community homophily. We first propose a new propagation model considering inactive ...
This paper formally defines the problem of influence maximization with limited unwanted users (IML) under the independent cascade model, and proposes a ...
Community-based influence maximization in social networks under a competitive linear threshold model · Computer Science. Knowledge-Based Systems · 2017.