Comparison of instantaneous rain rate of stratiform rainfall from TRMM/TMI with PR. Nobuhiro Takahashi. National Institute of Information and Communications ...
Comparison of Instantaneous Rain Rate of Stratiform Rainfall from TRMM/TMI with PR. Published in: 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote ...
Apr 1, 2015 · For the stratiform rain type, the TMI and PR retrievals compare well with a difference of ~13% globally. In particular, the partial beam filling ...
compared zonal monthly averages of the PR rainfall rate algorithm (PR rain) and the TMI rainfall rate algorithm. (TMI rain) to assess their bulk accuracy. (The ...
For convective rain, the comparison constantly shows negative TMI 2 PR rain-rate differences in the range of. 265% to 252% over all the selected regions. For ...
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For rain that PR classifies as stratiform, the mean TMI rainfall rate is higher than the mean PR rainfall rate. In contrast, for rain that PR classifies as ...
displays four instantaneous snapshots for the GV, TMI, PR and COM, rain rate estimates for TRMM Orbit #01707 on 10/07/1999 over KWAJ, in the top-left, top ...
Jul 18, 2014 · Only about 3% of TRMM PR observations are raining pixels · Ninety-two (93%) of the rain events over ocean (land) are from stratiform rain <5 mm ...
Mar 13, 2020 · This study compares three TMI rainfall datasets generated by two versions of NASA's Goddard. Profiling algorithm (GPROF2010 and GPROF2017) ...
It is found that TMI rainfall estimates are larger than PR estimates over most of the equatorial oceans. The distribution of rainfall differences with respect ...