Communication Complexity of the Secret Key Agreement in AIT When the inputs given to Alice and Bob are a line and a point (incident with each other in a discrete affine plane), then the parties can agree on a secret key of size I(x : y) with a communication complexity slightly above min{C(x|y),C(y|x)}.
Apr 28, 2020 · We determine the worst-case communication complexity of this problem for the setting where the parties can use private sources of random bits.
May 17, 2024 · We determine the worst-case communication complexity of this problem for the setting where the parties can use private sources of random bits.
We establish the communication complexity of secret key agreement protocols that produce a secret key of maximal length, for protocols with public randomness.
May 9, 2024 · In this paper we study communication protocols that help two remote parties (Alice and Bob) to establish a common secret key, ...
It is known that the mutual information, in the sense of Kolmogorov complexity, of any pair of strings and is equal to the.
We show that for some pairs x, y the communication complexity of the secret key agreement does not decrease even if the parties have to agree on a secret key ...
Aug 18, 2020 · We determine the worst-case communication complexity of this problem for the setting where the parties can use private sources of random bits.
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We show that for some pairs x, y the communication complexity of the secret key agreement does not decrease even if the parties have to agree on a secret key ...
Keywords : common secret key agreement, Kolmogorov complexity, infor- mation inequalities, communication complexity. Prerequisites : The candidate should ...