Our goal is the development of a framework for the construction of collaborative virtual environments. We consider aspect-oriented programming to be very ...
Nowadays, the interest in collaborative environments has increased considerably, probably due to current technological advances, especially in Internet ...
Our goal is the development of a framework for the construction of collaborative virtual environments. We consider that aspect-oriented programming is very ...
We consider that aspect-oriented programming is very suitable for both the design and implementation of these systems, then we present in this paper an aspect- ...
Nowadays the interest in collaborative environments has increased considerably, probably due to the current techno- logical advances specially on Internet ...
Our goal is the development of a framework for the construction of collaborative virtual environments. We consider that aspect-oriented programming is very ...
Our proposal is a first approach about how to apply the aspectoriented paradigm to the development of CVEs. Our goal is the development of a generic framework ...
Collaborative virtual environment development: An aspect-oriented approach ; ISBN · 9780769510804 ; Year of publication · 2001 ; Pages · 97-102 ; Type · Conference ...
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This work introduces a new entity, the aspect, to model those features that cut across different components in the system, increasing its extensibility and ...
Our main goal is to model collaborative virtual environments combining component-based and aspectbased software technologies. In this paper we are going to ...