Jul 22, 2004 · We classify all Cohen-Macaulay chordal graphs. In particular, it is shown that a chordal graph is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if its unmixed.
We classify all Cohen–Macaulay chordal graphs. In particular, it is shown that a chordal graph is Cohen–Macaulay if and only if it is unmixed.
Apr 10, 2024 · In this paper, we classify Cohen-Macaulay edge ideals of (vertex) weighted oriented chordal and simplicial graphs, a more general class of ...
Sep 23, 2022 · We show that a growing graph obtained from any given simple graph is Cohen–Macaulay and every Cohen–Macaulay chordal graph is a growing graph.
We classify all Cohen-Macaulay chordal graphs. In particular. it is shown that a chordal graph is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if its unmixed.
Dec 7, 2021 · Abstract. We introduce a new family of simple graphs, so called, growing graphs. We investigate ways to modify a given simple graph G ...
Nov 1, 2005 · We show that all chordal graphs G are sequentially Cohen-Macaulay; our proof depends upon showing that the Alexander dual of I(G) is componentwise linear.
Oct 10, 2005 · In Section 2, we will compute the type of a Cohen–Macaulay chordal graph and classify all Gorenstein chordal graphs. Page 3. J. Herzog et al ...
In this paper I give a combinatorial characterization of all the Cohen-Macaulay weighted chordal graphs. In particular, it is shown that a weighted chordal ...
Abstract. We extend the definition of chordal from graphs to clutters. The resulting family generalizes both chordal graphs and matroids, and obeys many of ...