Cognitive trait model (CTM) is a student model that aims to create profiles of learners' cognitive traits. Divergent associative learning (DAL) denotes the.
Jul 18, 2007 · Cognitive trait model (CTM) is a student model that aims to create profiles of learners' cognitive traits. Divergent associative learning ...
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Cognitive trait model (CTM) is a student model that aims to create profiles of learners' cognitive traits. Divergent associative learning (DAL) denotes the ...
Cognitive trait model (CTM) is a student model that aims to create profiles of learners' cognitive traits. Divergent associative learning (DAL) denotes the ...
CTM can still be valid after a long period of time. → CTM is domain independent and can be used in different learning environments, thus supporting life ...
Title: Cognitive Trait Model and Divergent Associative Learning ; Authors: Lin, Taiyu · Kinshuk · Graf, Sabine ; Issue Date: 2007 ; Citation: Lin, T., Kinshuk, & ...
Bibliographic details on Cognitive Trait Model and Divergent Associative Learning.
The primary objective of this study was to design, develop and evaluate a model complementing Learning Style with psychology-based ones such as Cognitive Trait.
Cognitive Trait Model and Divergent Associative Learning. In <i>Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies</i> (pp. 325 ...