Space–time block coding is a technique used in wireless communications to transmit multiple copies of a data stream across a number of antennas and to exploit the various received versions of the data to improve the reliability of data transfer.
In wireless communications, channel coding is used to combat impairments such as noise or fading. Redundant information is added at the transmitter, ...
People also ask
What is space time coding for wireless communication?
What is coding in wireless communication?
What is space time signal processing in wireless communication?
Space-time coding is a technique that promises greatly improved performance in wireless networks by using multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver.
Feb 4, 2018 · Space-time coding is a technique that promises greatly improved performance in wireless communication systems by using multiple antennas at ...
Aug 1, 2006 · In wireless communications, channel coding is used to combat impairments such as noise or fading. Redundant information is added at the ...
Such codes are called space-time codes. The paper provides an overview of various space-time coding techniques, which include space-time trellis coding, space- ...
A more channel-coding-centric view of a wireless communication link is taken, and the current state of the art as well as future trends in coding over space ...
This book covers the fundamental principles of space-time coding for wireless communications over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, and sets out practical coding methods for achieving the performance improvements predicted by the theory.
Space-time block codes operate on a block of input symbols, producing a matrix output whose columns represent time and rows represent antennas.
Targeting broadband wireless commu- nications, the focus is on space–time coding in the presence of frequency- and time-selective fading and the associated ...