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Several studies have considered reducing instruction cache misses and branch penalty stall cycles by means of various forms of code placement.
Abstract. Several studies have considered reducing instruction cache misses and branch penalty stall cycles by means of various forms of code placement.
Several studies have considered reducing instruction cache misses and branch penalty stall cycles by means of various forms of code placement.
Code positioning for VLIW architectures. AGM Cilio, H Corporaal. Computer Engineering. Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volume ...
Therefore, a compiler must deal not only with achieving maximal parallelism via aggressive scheduling, but also with data placement to limit inter-bank copies.
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This paper proposes a new scheme called Dynamic. Rescheduling to achieve object-code compatibility be- tween VLIW generations. Dynamic rescheduling ap- plies a ...
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Apr 20, 2023 · VLIW uses Instruction Level Parallelism, ie it has programs to control the parallel execution of the instructions.
Our first code generator is for an idealized VLIW machine that takes a single cycle to execute each of its RISC-level operations (not too drastic an ...
The architecture simpli- fies the dispersal of complex VLIW instructions and supports effi- cient distribution of instructions through local interconnects.
Bibliographic details on Code Positioning for VLIW Architectures.