Abstract. We demonstrate the merits of using document clusters that are created offline to improve the overall effectiveness and performance robustness of a ...
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Queries can be expanded by identifying concepts in the resources. Thus, words in different or similar meanings can be mapped to concepts in various meanings.
This paper introduces a new, cluster-based query expansion method that learns queries known to be successful when applied to similar questions. We show that ...
ABSTRACT. Query expansion is a functionality of search engines that suggests a set of related queries for a user-issued keyword query. Typical.
In this thesis, we concentrate on empirical comparison, experiments and evaluations ininvestigating query expansion methods. We also use the findings as an ...
Several techniques have been developed, such as query expansion, cluster-based retrieval and dimensionality reduction to resolve low search precision and ...
Apr 16, 2011 · Abstract:Query expansion is a functionality of search engines that suggests a set of related queries for a user-issued keyword query.
Of these techniques, this paper performs an empirical study on query expansion and cluster-based retrieval. We examine the effect of using parsimony in query ex ...
Local-cluster-based query expansion (LCB-RR-QE). In this method, the clusters are created based on the initially retrieved list (query-dependent). We take a ...
Sep 30, 2015 · In this paper, we propose an effective method of utilizing external collections based on the pseudo relevance feedback approach. Our method ...