Jul 1, 2024 · The main goal of this work is to identify which groups can drive or inhibit SBOM adoption and the rationale behind this behavior.
In this section, we provide a detailed overview of these phases and the methods used in each of them. Phase 1. Preparation & Planning. Phase 2. Empirical Data ...
This traceability involves showing the exact locations of dependencies in the released software, rather than just the metadata catalog provided by the supplier.
In this work, we address this gap by studying business stakeholder groups directly involved in SBOM production and consumption. The main goal of this work is to ...
Researchers from Northwave Cyber Security and TU Delft in the Netherlands have tackled the issue of SBOM adoption from a business stakeholder's standpoint.
Jan 22, 2024 · This paper studies stakeholder groups and finds (among other things) that compliance is the leading incentive for adoption, not that it leads to improvement of ...
Dec 18, 2023 · This work resulted in a publication titled “Charting the Path to SBOM Adoption: A Business Stakeholder-Centric Approach”, which has been recently accepted to ...
Charting the Path to SBOM Adoption: A Business Stakeholder-Centric Approach. Conference Paper. Jul 2024. Berend Kloeg · Aaron Ding · Sjoerd Pellegrom ...
SBOM allows us to visualize complex dependencies and verify whether libraries with vulnerabilities or tampered libraries are included in the package.